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Seismicity and Induced Seismicity Monitoring (ISM) Networks

Oil and gas operations including hydraulic fracturing, water, steam or CO2 injection such as SAGD and CSS can create induced seismic and microseismic events. Geothermal operations can also cause seismic events. Monitoring of induced seismicity is required by regulations in many parts of the world.

How it works

  1. Network design: During the free consultations, we will plan the station deployment based on the type of events being monitored. Stations in seismic networks are typically placed within 100 km apart. For dense networks, the distance can be shortened to 1 km. Symroc’s induced seismicity network, available in forms of permanent network, temporary network or even a one-off station to monitor an individual pad for government regulations. 

  2. Field Installation Each station includes a sensor unit, data transmission module can be powered by a 50W or 100W solar panel. Surface or borehole Installation typically within 2 hours. It’s robust and long lasting design makes it best suited for remote installations in harsh outdoor environments. Installation service can be  provided by Symroc’s field crew or trained contractors. After a one time  installation the stations can be left on for years. No regular part change or maintenance required.

  3. Real time Monitoring Data can be stored on an SD card or transmitted wirelessly through the LTE network. Seismic data can be synced with national seismicity networks such as IRIS Global Seismographic Network (GSN). 

  4. Data format Data format in MiniSeed or any other format required. Available raw or processed.

  5. 3D Event Locating and magnitude calculation: Includes GPS module, 3D locating, magnitude calculation and visualization using our strategic partner ASC’s microseismic software Insite, learn more.

Key benefits 

  • Ultrawide bandwidth coverage of seismic activity 0.001Hz to 1600Hz 

  • Sensitivity 3 times more sensitive than analogue seismometers. It can pick up  hundreds of events daily. Dynamic range of ±190dB across the spectrum.

  • 3D event locating. Accurate spatial event locations can be used to analyze source mechanisms.

  • All-in-One Each monitoring station includes sensor unit, GPS, data transmission module, solar panel and battery. No need for several different devices. 

  • Installation within hours. Can be easily deployed, removed, or relocated. 

  • Low Power Consumption: 0.023.5W per component without wireless communication

  • Source Mechanism Analysis Gives good azimuthal data for moment tensor analysis of source mechanisms 

  • Real time data. Real-time high-resolution data allowing accurate and safe operations


Use Case  Sensors Installed in NE BC for Induced Seismicity Study

Printable brochure download


One borehole station installed in remote areas in NE BC, Canada.


Sensorhead (red) installed on surface, and digital box (yellow) contains circus boards, data transmission module and GPS.


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Symroc Business and Project Management Ltd.

#209, 7879 8St NE, Calgary, AB, T2E8A2

+001 403.456.0389

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